As with all my posts, this one is a note to my future self: internet recipes suck, Friday. Remember this. THEY ARE UNRELIABLE AND ARE CLICK BAIT, GIRL
Making jam in the summer is a labor of love. Truly. Eric and I rarely eat it because any decent jam uses sugar. It has to, if you don’t use pectin. And ick. No pectin.
But I make it every summer that I’m ambulatory. Why, who knows. But I am for sure ambulatory so jammin I am.
Because it’s rare that I make it, I don’t have a tried and true recipe. Mistake Friday: the internet recipes lie and omit. The one I followed this time left the range of temperatures to bring the fruit – just included the TOP tenp. I knew it looked overcooked. And it was. Passable as jam. I hope. We shall see. I’m fairly miffed. Hot and miffed.
BUT, the fresh berries. Lovely. Frozen in 2lb portions. No washing as it removes the bloom and they stick. While they freeze, I slush them around ever 45 minutes to keep them separated. The interwebs say to put on a cookie sheet. One layer at a time. I dont know who has summertime freezer space. So there we are. Bags. Slush around periodically until solidly frozen.
No more internet recipes.
(Cost was $40 for a 10lb box and we got 2.)