I am so happy that nobody reads these. A blog to your own is so much better than social media. If you have the means, I highly recommend it. (H/T Ferris Bueler).
We took a trip down the road to pick up a dozen chickens that folks we know raised and harvested for us. I am so grateful to them for this work. It is something that would be hard for us to do – in many ways – and I appreciate every part of those chickens. More importantly, I appreciate the people.
So we had a rare brunch of eggs Benedict – it was great! I am very picky about Hollandaise and if it comes from a packet, I can taste it and refuse it. Yea. I am that person. I might be fat, but I am picky. But this was either house-made or really well-disguised packet situation.
But the weird thing was, this was a place that has the name “biscuit” in it’s name. And the thing is, the benny was on an English muffin. Huh? Well ‘nabbit. I contacted them and gave them my own favorite benny stack: biscuit (or cornbread muffin), fried green tomato, crisp bacon. Then the egg and the hollandaise. They are making it a special this weekend with my name on it! Should we go get us one? We shall see.
Peas! The first year I have grown an abundance of them! I started those seeds on a dreary cold day in February and now we have so many! I was having trouble keeping up with the picking, so I enlisted precious help and we had a nice grilled lunch and then I gifted them to my beloveds. I was going to blanche and freeze them, but I just didn’t wanna, So I didn’t. The pleasure was in the sharing, not the hoarding.
I am not doing anything I don’t want to this summer. Except workout. And even then, I kinda want to. I feel so much better bouncing on the rebounder every day.
I came across something I want to note for later. It backs up my decision to only take Biblical teaching from people I actually know.
It’s Biblical asshattery.
A man I keep nameless. This troglodyte actually put words in Jesus’ mouth. He said (paraphrasing, ironically) that what Jesus meant to say is you must labor, must strive, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, that brings up the Grace vs works debate but worse yet is this asshat is interpreting Jesus’ own words. What JESUS meant to say? Wow. It has been a few days and yet I am still reeling from the arrogance of this wolf.
I would never take a teaching from someone like this. It’s an isolated statement, but there’s much more this scum has done and said but I won’t document it here and now. Maybe later.