I was in my feelings this morning. I wrote a whole post about it and then put it away. It’s not for now.
Suffice to say, I am struggling with courage at the moment.
And in addition to other areas in which I need courage, a visit to the kitchen garden required a buttload of courage this morning. A real buttload.
The aftermath is grim. Most the garden was killed – even the plants under greenhouse covers and in the poly house. However, the plants under the frost blankets seemed to fare better. Note to future self: frost blanket, even if under greenhouse cover, for negative temperatures. Boyhowdy.
It’s so bad and embarrassing.
It’s so gross out there.
So I’ve just been tossing kitchen scraps, including eggshells and the cartons, into bed #1 since bed #4 seemed to benefit. The garden worms love it. I will turn it all under in a week or so.
I kindof got my walking papers in a way though. The chard bed was full of varieties I just didn’t like. But since they are 2-year plants, I felt compelled to keep them. It would be wasteful to just plow them under. Now, I am free! Free!!!!
And that’s the way I am taking it: a clean slate. Freedom from the guilt of not liking certain plants.
Our dear old Auggie is really slowing down. He sleeps a lot. He is eating and processing it, and doesn’t seem to be in pain – other than going up and down a couple of steps. And we will step in and lift him if he is signaling that he needs help. I love this dog so much. He has such a sweet nature, he just loves.
When he departs, we are going to be a mess. A MESS.
The beetles have invaded. Box Elderwood beetles, to be exact. They seem to congregate on the south-facing wall of the house this time of year, and some make it inside. Reminder for next year – 1 tbsp of soap in a sprayer bottle will wipe them out.
Seed starting has begun. But this year I got a bit smarter – I am starting in bands. Not everything needs to be started all at once. At first, we start the early spring things like brassicas, chards (again), collards, and lettuces. Then move on to other plants like tomatoes and eggplants and cucumbers. I hope I am doing it right.
I am not an expert on anything.